Friday, March 27, 2009

ओल्ड आणि गोल्ड ग्रुप चे जनक आणि आधारस्तम्भ - सालू परेरा,संजय नाइक,अशोक सावंत,नाना शिरोडकर,भाऊ वलंजू ,शशि पित्रे,दिलीप कोरगावकर

1 comment:

  1. To plan and execute the event in disciplined manner is not a joke. Salu and company has set the example for others by arranging such mega events successfully. The oldies matured experience and freshness of goldies is making this event remarkable. I wish Salu and company a very fresh happy new year and success for future old and gold picnic.
